Privacy Policy

A. Introduction

1. The privacy of our website visitors is a lot important to us and we are committed to protecting it. Politics explains how we will use your personal information.
2. Your consent to use of cookies in accordance with the terms of our policy during your first visit to website, allows us to use cookies every time you visit the website us.

B. Congratulations
This document was created using a template from SEQ Legal ( and modified by KAVOURAS I. - MANIATI M. OE (

C. Collection of staff information

The following types of personal information may collected, stored and used:

  1. Information about your computer including your IP address, h Your geographical location is the type and version of your browser and your operating system system.
  2. Information about your visits and use of the site including external source, visit duration, page views, and navigation path on the site?
  3. Information such as your email address, which you enter when registering on the site.
  4. Information you enter when creating your profile on our site — for example, your name, profile photos, gender, date of birth, your personal your situation, interests and hobbies, information about your education and information about your employment.
  5. Information, such as your name and email, that you enter when setting it up your subscriptions and for sending emails and / or newsletters.
  6.  Information you enter when using services on our site.
  7. Information that arises when using the site, such as when, how often and under what conditions you use it.
  8.  Information about your purchases, services you use and transactions that you do on the site, which include your name, address, phone number number, your email address and your credit card information.
  9.  Information that you post on the site with the intention of posting on the internet, the which include your username, your profile information and their content your posts.
  10. Information contained in any of your communication with us via email or through website, including communication content and metadata.
  11. Any other personal information you send us.

Before disclosing any personal information third party, you must have that person consent to disclosure and processing of his personal information in accordance with this policy.

D. Use of your personal information

The personal information submitted to us used for the purposes defined by this policy in the relevant pages of the site. We may use personal information about them the following purposes:

  1. management of our website and business
  2. personalized site layout for you
  3. enable the use of your available services on our site
  4. shipping the goods you buy through our site
  5. providing services you purchase through our website
  6.  send transactions, invoices and payment reminders to you, and collect payments from you
  7.  sending non-advertising communications
  8. send email notifications about your requests
  9.  Send our newsletter via email if you have requested it (you can contact us update at any time if you no longer want the newsletter)
  10. send promotional communications related to your business or enterprises specific third parties which we believe you may be interested in, through notifications or, if you have agreed to it, via email or similar technology (you can let us know at any time if you no longer want advertising communications)
  11. provide statistics of our users to third parties (which they will not be able to identify any user of this information)
  12.  manage requests and complaints that you have submitted or are related to your site
  13. maintaining the security of the site and preventing any fraud
  14. confirmation of compliance with the terms and conditions of provision of our website (including the monitoring of personal messages circulating through the private our web messaging service) and other uses.

If you submit personal information for publication on on our website, we will publish or use this information in agreement with your licensing.

Your privacy settings can be used to restrict the publication of your information on our site and may configured using the site privacy check.

We will not channel your personal information without it your consent to any third party or to any commercial third party part.

E. Staff notification information

We may share your personal information with any of our employees, executives, insurers, or their our professional consultants, suppliers' representatives or subcontractors as required for the purposes stated in this policy.

We may share your personal information with any member of our group of companies (this means our subsidiaries, controlling our portfolio company and its subsidiaries) as required for the purposes stated in this policy.

We can share our personal ones information:

  1. to the extent required by law
  2. in relation to any current or future legal proceedings
  3.  for the purpose of consolidating, exercising or defending our legal rights (including the providing information to third parties in order to prevent fraud and reduce credit risk)
  4. to the buyer (or potential buyer) of any good of the business we sell (or we are thinking of selling) and
  5. any reason we believe can belong to the judiciary or anyone else competent authority regarding the disclosure of information in the event that we consider that the The relevant authority will require the disclosure of such personal information. i>

Also as stated in this policy, you will not we provide your personal information in third day.

F. International data transfers
  1. The information we collect can be stored, processed and moved between any countries in which we operate so that we can use in accordance with this policy.
  2. The information we collect can be transferred to the following countries that do not have it corresponding personal data protection legislation applicable in Europe Economic Zone: USA, Russia, Japan, China and India.
  3.  The personal information you post on our site or submit for publication on our site, may be available online worldwide. We can not to prevent the use or misuse of such information by third parties.
  4. You expressly agree to the transfer of provisional data described in section F.

G. Personnel retention data

  1. Section G defines the process and policy of personal data retention, which it has designed to ensure compliance with our legal obligations regarding retention and deletion of personal data.
  2. Personal data we process for any purpose will not be held for more than is necessary for this purpose.
  3. Notwithstanding the other provisions of Section G, we will retain documents (including including electronic documents) containing personal data

        1. 1. to the extent required by law.
        2. 2. if we consider that the documents may be related to any legal procedure in force and
        3. 3. for the purpose of consolidating, exercising or defending our legal rights (inter whose provision of information to third parties for the purpose of fraud prevention and reduction of credit risk)

H. Security of personal data your

  1. We will store all personal data you provide to the secure (protected by password- and firewall) servers.
  2. All electronic money transactions carried out on our website are protected by our encryption technology.
  3. You acknowledge that the transmission of information on the Internet is inherently insecure and does not we can guarantee the security of data circulating over the internet.
  4. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password you use, you will not ask for your password (except when logging in to our site).

I. Modifications

We may update our policy from time to time posting a new version on our site from time to time. You should occasionally check the page to make sure you understand any policy changes us. We can notify you of changes to our policy by email or via private messaging system on our site.

J. Your rights

You can ask us to give you, any we keep your information.

We may withhold personal information you request, for the period allowed by law.

You can ask us at any time not to We process your personal information for promotional purposes.

In practice, you will usually either explicitly accept this in advance use of your personal information for promotional purposes, or will you we provide the ability to exclude your information from use for for advertising purposes.

K. Third party sites

Our site includes hyperlinks to, and information from, third party websites. We can not control and we are not responsible on third party protection policies and practices.

L. Update information

Please let us know if the information we have about you need updating or correction.

M. Cookies

Our website uses cookies. A cookie is one file containing an identifier (a series of letters and numbers) that is sent via a server and stored in the browser. The ID then is sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from server. Cookies can be either "permanent" or "login" cookies: a permanent one cookie is stored in a browser and remains valid until the expiration date unless deleted earlier by the user, a login cookie, on the other hand, will expires at the end of the user login when the browser is closed. Cookies usually do not contain information that can identify the user but personal information Your data we hold may be linked to stored data or recovered from cookies.

  1. The names of the cookies we use on our website and the purpose of their use defined below:
    1. 1. we use Google Analytics on our site to identify one computer when a user visits the site.
  2. Most browsers allow you to refuse cookies — for example:
    1. 1. in Internet Explorer (version 10) you can block cookies using the cookie settings found by pressing "Tools", "Internet Options", "Privacy" and "Advanced"
    2. 2. in Firefox (version 24) you can block all cookies by clicking "Tools," “Options,” “Privacy,” by selecting “Use custom history settings” from the menu and removing the option "Accept cookies from websites"? and
    3. 3. in Chrome (version 29), you can block all cookies if you enter the menu "Customize and control" and pressing "Settings", "View advanced settings", and "Content settings" and selecting "Block sites from data" below from the "Cookies" heading.

Blocking all cookies will have a negative effect on functionality of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features of your site.

  1. You can delete cookies already stored on your computer — for example:
    1. 1. in Internet Explorer (version 10), you must delete the files manually of cookies (you can find instructions at );
    2. 2. in Firefox (version 24), you can delete cookies by clicking "Tools," "Options," and "Privacy", then select "Use custom settings for" history ”, by clicking“ View Cookies, ”and“ Remove All Cookies ”and
    3. 3. in Chrome (version 29), you can delete all cookies by entering the menu "Customize and control", and by clicking "Settings", View Custom and “Clear browsing data” and then selecting “Delete cookies and other website data ”before clicking Clear Data browsing.
  2. Deleting all cookies will have a negative effect on the functionality of many websites.